F'ifte Tia

The world needs its shield, not its sword.

Age: 27 (Endwalker)
Birthday: April 15th
Race: Miqo'te, Mixed Keeper/Seeker
Main Classes: WAR, AST, RDM
Gender: Trans Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay

Ruuje Momorha
His younger sister, the oldest sibling besides himself. He does everything he can to protect her. He can't exactly remember what inspired him to become a warrior, but he assumes it's to protect her.
Milk Mielle
Fif's fellow Warrior of Light, also known as the Shield of Light. They started their journey together, meeting in Thanalan, and have traveled together ever since as Hydaelyn's Sword and Shield.
Blue-eyes White-dragon
He greatly looks up to Kaiba, much like he looks up to Magnai. (But don't tell Kaiba he'd ever compare the two.) Fif thinks Kaiba's extremely cool, but he'd be too embarrassed to say that. Has a one-sided crush on him.
The Grove
Fif enjoys the company of any member of the Grove. Tsuchinoko is someone he looks up to quite a lot, because of how cool and mature they seem. He gets along especially well with Ryu, both because of their combined admiration for Kaiba, and general rambunctiousness.
Kitty Committee: No-bake Cheesecake, Redhot Sillypepper, and Sony Genesis
The combined might of the Kitty Committee is powerful. Him and Cheems like to break into Kaiba's house and eat his food. It becomes a fun game to see who can pick the locks first whenever he changes them.
Scions of the Seventh Dawn
The Scions matter a great deal to him, of course. Boyfriends aside, he feels the closest to Alphinaud and a second-place Alisaie. He finds himself worrying about them any time they're apart, and sends letters to them often. Y'shtola is the first Scion he encountered, so he feels a connection to her too.
The Warriors (emphasis on Warriors) of Light: F'ifte, Ardbert, Midgardsommr, and Midas
It's a rather confusing name for a system, but F'ifte decided it before Ardbert came along and he thought it was cute! Midgardsommr (or Middy, as Fif affectionately calls him) never fronts, acting as a voice of reason to the Warriors' rambunctiousness and a general protector.
Ardbert fronts occasionally when the First is brought up, and quite a bit during the Healer job quest in Shadowbringers. In battle, he tends to front when Fif is struggling or when he uses Inner Release, much more preferable to the blind rage he felt surging through his soul crystal. Unlike the cool picture to the left, he can't physically appear. This only happens in a certain part of Endwalker, alongside Middy and Midas. (Their nicknames are a little confusing. Ardbert is Bert, Midgardsommr is Middy, and Midas is Middy with an emphasis on the I.)Midas, however, serves as the system's Fray, their appearance being something akin to a light-poisoned voidsent. When they front, they tend to be quiet and stone-faced, with few words spared for those they are already familiar with. Typically they will handle situations in which being blunt is the best course of action. Prefers Dulce's company more than anyone.

G'raha Tia
G'raha is who Fif would consider to be his 'first love.' Sure, he had typical little crushes when he was younger, but he didn't really fall for someone before he met the idiotic over-eager scholar that yearned to explore the Crystal Tower. Their relationship was short-lived, barely even a week old. But they were truly dedicated to eachother, Fif dedicating his adventures to making a better place for G'raha to awake to.
Upon hearing G'raha's voice in the First, he wasn't sure what had happened to him. Did G'raha lose his memories? Was he avoiding him because he had changed too much? Fif only brought up his fears during a conversation outside Mt. Gulg, which G'raha reassured him: he still loved him for all those years, and he'd continue to do so. They still loved eachother, but there was still distrust between them. Their relationship heals after G'raha's return to the Source.With the Alliance Raids in 6.1, Fif is going through the tedious process of asking for the gods' approval to propose the best way he knows how: through combat.Haurchefant Greystone
After the events of the Parting Glass, Fif hurried to Ishgard without Milk. Haurchefant was his saving grace, immediately taking him in before he could even ask and wrapping him in bundles of blankets and putting a warm mug of hot chocolate in his freezing hands.
Aymeric de Borel
Fif's heart was in tatters when Aymeric asked him out to dinner. His first thought was "Isn't this a little soon?" and his second was "Fuck it, why not?" Honestly, he had expected more than just a dinner, but just a nice night with a handsome gentleman was enough of a relief. He hadn't expected to catch feelings for him too.
Their relationship became long-distance for a time, throughout Stormblood and Shadowbringers. After 5.3, he introduced G'raha to him and the three of them took a short respite in Ishgard.Estinien Wyrmblood
Fif wasn't especially close to Estinien during Heavensward, only a sort of friend of a friend from their shared connection to Alphinaud. He only truly connected with Estinien during the events of Endwalker, finding comfort in him especially after MSQ 83.

Fif was originally born in Meracydia, second oldest of the children in his family. When he was rather young, his older brother F'if Tee Tia took him and his sister to live in Limsa Lominsa. His family as a whole doesn't really follow the traditional clan hierarchy, due to being a mix of Seeker and Keeper. But Fif would still consider F'lhaminn a distant relative, with Minfilia like a cousin to him.
F'if Tee Tia was an adventurer, and on one fateful expedition into the Palace of the Dead, he took F'ifte and Ruuje with him. The Red Mage was soon overwhelmed by a horde of enemies, and used forbidden magicks to whisk his younger siblings away. Due to how fast it happened, and the trauma of the event, F'ifte expelled it from his memory, as well as any recollection of F'if. His only memories of the event is the loss Ruuje, and the loss of someone else important to him. (Subconsciously, he's taken on F'if's name though he's pronouncing it completely wrong.) He takes up the class of Warrior so this never happens again.A Realm Reborn
He comes across the rumor of kidnappings and decided to investigate. With the help of another Mi'qote he encounters, they eventually put a stop to it. His next challenge is against Ifrit, until he's saved by a mysterious suit of armor. Only after the fight does he learn the hero's identity: Milk Mielle, a fellow Warrior of Light. The two of them team up after that. (He occasionally calls her Ruuje, which is super awkward.)
Fif immediately trusts Hydaelyn, accepting her blessing with ease. There's something about her that's comforting, perhaps she just reminds him of his mother. He hasn't heard her voice in a long time.Heavensward
After running away from the Crystal Braves, Fif is distraught. He's even without his Shield for a brief time. So, he learns to become an Astrologian, hoping to gain some insight on the fates of the other Scions. His readings are mostly useless, being too inexperienced in the craft to find any real insight besides vague bad omens. He does enjoy the healing capabilities that come with it though, relieved that he can support his friends in another way.
He became very close to Haurchefant during Heavensward, to Fif, he was hope incarnate. They spent one messy night together, and Fif fell in love yet again. This love never went anywhere, not that it had much of a chance to after The Vault.Stormblood
Stormblood is largely uneventful for him, though he does pick up yet another job. He learns how to dance during his time in Ala Mhigo. While he does get to see Aymeric occasionally during this expansion, he frequently writes letters to send to him when he isn't there. Afterwards, he physically pulls Aymeric from his office to go on an adventure with him, involving airships and an annoying (non-Miqo'te) cat. He also became closer to Alisaie during this time, as he learned how to use magic as a Red Mage.
Milk was the first Warrior of Light to be pulled from the Source, sending F'ifte into a spiral of panic. It didn't take very long for him to be summoned, perhaps a week later.
From the moment he heard G'raha's voice, he knew it was him. He wanted to grab him by the shoulders and demand an explanation for everything.. but he didn't. Fif couldn't understand why he was hiding himself from him, so he gave the Crystal Exarch his space. It isn't until the conversation before Mt. Gulg that he confronts him. They argue, about trust and sacrifice."How am I supposed to trust that you aren’t going to throw yourself away again?"He.. kind of has a breakdown, as G'raha awkwardly holds him."I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t ask to be the Warrior of Darkness or do your bidding—or the Scion’s bidding!"Mt. Gulg was devastating for him, both with what happens to G'raha, and yet another death he must carry out. That distrust remains after the confrontation, but the two of them make an ultimatum: they've made enough sacrifices for a lifetime. Neither of them will sacrifice themselves ever again.Endwalker
Endwalker was a turbulent time for Fif, while he enjoyed being with his friends throughout most of it, he struggled with over-attachment when they were out of his sight. The world was more dangerous than usual, and he felt it was all his fault.
After the traumatic encounter with a certain villain, a "new" alter--though one that had been lurking for quite a while--had been discovered upon picking up a scythe for the first time. Currently unnamed, but has the form of some mix between Fray and a voidsent avatar.Newfound Adventure
After the events of Endwalker, Fif took the disbandment of the Scions as a sign he could finally retire. And so he did. .. Peace and quiet didn't last long for him though, because he got bored after a few months and started attending a Fight Club in Ul'dah.
Estinien used to come to each match, though Fif's boasting and flirty attitude to his fans irritated him more and more with every tourney. Though, he still teaches Fif the ways of the Dragoon every time the Warrior visits Thavnair. While he's advanced more in his training, he's also advanced in his Holy Body escapades. On the day of the Moonfire Faire, as the Moonfire Flame, he became the champion.During the post-patches, F'ifte has figured out a way to travel to an alternate past, where his sister had survived instead of him. Thanks to Elidibus' help, he's able to help her though the same adventures he went through. It pains him to see the struggles he can't warn her about, but at least he's there to comfort her. At the end of Ruuje's journey, as she rests after her most dangerous battle yet, F'ifte has a vision. His god, Althyk, speaks to him. For the siblings' bravery, they shall be rewarded. When he wakes up, he wakes up in a world where Ruuje, Fif, and Milk are all the Warriors of Light. Everyone else believes it was always this way, but only the three of them remember how it used to be.

No ERP or romance. Flirting is find, though he'll likely be confused about it.
Please don't joke about him dating Milk Mielle, they're like siblings.
Obviously, no racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

F'ifte was originally born in Meracydia, second oldest of the children in his family. When he was rather young, his older brother F'ife Tia took him and his sister to live in Limsa Lominsa. His family as a whole doesn't really follow the traditional clan hierarchy, due to being a mix of Seeker and Keeper.F'ife Tia was an adventurer, and on one fateful expedition into the Palace of the Dead, he took F'ifte and Ruuje with him. The Red Mage was soon overwhelmed by a horde of enemies, and used forbidden magicks to whisk his younger siblings away. Due to how fast it happened, and the trauma of the event, F'ifte expelled it from his memory, as well as any recollection of F'ife. His only memory of the event is the loss of someone important to him. (Subconsciously, he's taken on F'ife's name though he's pronouncing it completely wrong.) He takes up the class of Warrior so this never happens again.He remains in Limsa Lominsa with his younger sister, taking up mercenary jobs to make enough money for rent and food. One day, his adventures take him to Thanalan, where he gets a little overrun by enemies. Thankfully, a lalafell named Milk Mielle comes to save the day, and they travel together from then on.The two of them became Scions of the Seventh Dawn, though they serve fairly minor roles. Usually it's fighting that needs to be done but isn't too strong that the Warrior of Light needs to get involved.Recently, he's started attending a fight club in Ul'dah, and loves to show-off there, much to Milk's dismay. Every week, he came up with a new stage name. Now, he's become a bartender!

- Fif hasn't kept in contact with the tribe his family was apart of, so any Miqo'te of the F tribe would be someone he'd love to talk to!
- He is a former Champion and a regular at the Ul'dah Fight Club! Perhaps your character is a fan? A sore loser? A boastful winner? Some sort of authority investigating the underground fighting ring?
- F'ifte is a minor Scion, maybe your character is one of the main ones, another minor one, or has something against them?

F'ifte has started selling random (well, only a little random) drinks for customers! With whatever knowledge he has of them, he creates a drink! Here's a list of the drinks he's made so far for customers, if you'd like to order someone else's:
The 'Natsu (Manatsu Hagoromo)
A rocks glass of spiced rum, mixed with frangelico liqueur for a hint of almond, and garnished with cherries along the rim. Has a certain Western feel.
The Hero (M'rna Ohmbra)
This inspiring drink is named after a humble hero. A highball glass of bourbon, black raspberry liqueur, and elderflower liqueur.
The Wowzer (Yowie Wowie)
Sure to knock your socks off with a rocks glass of bourbon, black raspberry liqueur and cranberry juice. Cherries optional.
The Underdog (Chill Pillvt)
Made as an attempt (that failed) to spur on victory for an underdog. A wine glass of Blood of RNGesus, grenadine for a splash of pomegranate flavor, and grapefruit juice.
The Rebel (Tacita'oen Ignatius)
Served in a highball glass with bourbon, black raspberry liqueur, and grenadine.
The Plaid Russian (Zihji'li Nhikna)
A glass of spiced rum and ginger liqueur. Topped with a stick of cinnamon.
The Blue Bastard (Blue-eyes Whitedragon)
A tall glass of blue raspberry vodka with blue curacao. Over ice and garnished with a blue paper umbrella.
Variation: Double the alcohol and it becomes the Big Blue Bastard.
The Slightly Less Blue Bastard (Tsuteto Dracman)
A tall glass of cherry vodka with blue curacao. Over ice and garnished with a blue paper umbrella.
F'ifte has also worked together with Tio to create drinks to compliment her food! Why not try some together?
The Twist (Pretzel)
To offset the saltiness of the pretzel, this cocktail glass of vodka is paired with amaretto and frangelico liqueur for a nutty flavor.
The Phoinix (Highland Stuffed Cabbage)
A shot glass of spiced rum, ginger liqueur for sweetness, and a cinnamon stick. He guessed on how to spell 'Phoenix,' and he doesn't have an eraser.


Before he was F'ifte Tia, before he took the seat of Azem, he was called Dionysius. Dionysius was careless, even as Azem he often shirked his duties in order to spend time with his closest friends, Venat and Andromeda. The two Azems that came before him. He has only a few notable creations that have been sent to the star: peaches, mangoes, and a variation of grapes based on the kind he saved from a volcano. As for that story, he truly did just save the village because of the grapes grown there.Dionysius became friends with Venat and Andromeda after he took the seat, seeking them out in a rare moment of doubt for advice. He first became friends with Venat, who introduced him to Andromeda. The three of them became fast friends, much to Emet-Selch's disappointment.He was childhood friends with Themis, having grown rather close far before they took up the seats of the Convocation. Life had taken them in separate directions when they were young, but were happy to be reunited as Azem and Elidibus.He was in a polycule with Hythlodaeus and Hades. He did enjoy messing with the refined Emet-Selch, and mainly took up the Fourteenth seat to cause more chaos and explore the world. This relationship is something his shard has no idea about. And, frankly, would be appalled to learn. His denial would be as avid as Emet-Selch's refusal of his future actions.